Monday, September 19, 2011

Comic strip

        In the comic strip i rated it a 3 in simplicity. I rated it this because when i was trying to do it i had a hard time try to make it. It took me a long time to find the way how to type on the comic strip. It also took me long to find out how many comic strips i will put in it.  I had to get the pictures from the internet and it wont be easy to find pictures that match to what i will talk about. The pictures also could come from pictuers of cartoon that would get the attention of most people. It was also i good thing because the comic strip will be easy to read. It would also would be fun to make the comic strip.
       The themes i rated it 4 because it is hard to match the themes with what i am going to write in the comic strip. It would also be hard to get themes that match the other themes that im going to put in the comic strip. The themes are also a good thing in the comic strip because when i put them it will get the attention of the 6th who im trying to teach the design cycle. the theme will be fun to put the themes to match the design cycle.
     In color i rated it a 3 because in the comic strip it is hard to color the background. It wiil not have lots of colors in the background. the pictures i wiil put they will have to have color to balance out the noncoloring of the background. I could also find a way to make the letter i type to come out colorful. If i could make them coorful they it would be more instering to read the comic strip. If i dont put any color then not lots of people would like to read it. It wouldnt be the same if it didnt have any color. 
    In entertainment i rated it a 5 because it could be very fun to look at the comic strip. it could also keep lots of people instearded why they are looking at it. it could also explain what i am trying to teach to them. It is a fun and helpful thing to lots of people. it could keep the 6th graders very into the project cause lots of people like to read comic strip. If they like to read comic strips then they will like to read the one i will make.

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